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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop:
Learning Center Area


This area deals with learning how to create web pages.

Dynamic HTML Resources
A very comprehensive List of links that deal with learning DHTML Standards.
NSCA Image Map Tutorial
A detailed tutorial on creating Image Maps.
Microsoft Developer Network Tutorials
Tutorials on almost every aspect of web developement from standard HTML to advance features like DHTML, and CSS.
One World / Singnet Begining HTML
A good resource for learning HTML from a beginners stand point.
Jonny's HTML Headquarters
Nice HTML tutorials here.
Introduction to HTML by CWRU
A top 5% website dealing with almost every aspect of learning to write HTML.
DTP/HTML Tutorial
Another outstanding Site to Learn HTML From.
HTML Goodies
THE BEST place to learn HTML. Dr. Burns is a great teacher in this field. If you have been to other HTML tutorial sites and felt lost. GO HERE. He makes learning HTML fun and easy. When I was first starting out learning HTML I occasionally stumbled around without guidance until I found this guys site. Get His book too. The book and Web site go hand in hand. I can't tell you how much of a God send this man was to me. And back then he didn't even have his own domain. His site was on his university's server. WOW he is the greatest!
HTML Goodies' Java Script Tutorials
Again I can not stress how easy Dr. Burns makes this stuff. Check his site out! Here he teaches you Java Script from the ground up. Great!!!
HTML Goodies' VB Script Tutorials
All hail the king of teacher. He takes this crazy VBScript language and again teaches us all in a way we can understand. NEED I say MORE!
The HTML Guru
Not really about plain old HTML but about building Dynamic Interactive Sites. Great experience too. Wonderfully done page.
Complex Features For Web Developers
Just what it's title says. This site deals with: CGI, FORMS, Access Control and user identification, MOSAIC and WAIS, WAIS and HTTP Intergration, and GSQL and SQL Database Gateway. Really hefty Stuff for those who run their own web server. (NOT for the weak of heart)
Page Crazy's Web Site Elves
This is an organization I am a member of which trys to give one on one help to those wanting to learn about most all aspects of web developement.
Page Source
You name it they either teach it or give it away free. Very useful site. I am sure you will want to book-mark it.
D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site
This is a very nice HTML tutorial site. In frames.
Tips, Tricks, and Beyond
Another great HTML Tutorial site. The layout is like a question and answer session. I like this site almost as well as I do HTML Goodies. I am also a moderator on their message board which you see linked in my right hand panel.
My 1st Web Site
A good site that teaches HTML with a great aspect on making a GREAT web site. Kind of an art form with these guys. Also akin to my own beliefs.
The Complete Code Reference for HTML
This is a site you are going to want to add to your favorites list. It is just what it's name implies. A complete refrence to ALL HTML elements. Even those elusive Browser only elements. You will visit here OFTEN!
Why What Tutorials
Tutorials on HTML, Java scripts, CGI, Style Sheets, Image Mapping and MORE!

© 1997-1999 by Phillip D. Lee. All materials on this site are protected by US and International Copyright laws. Any material that is on this site either was created by me, or placed here by permission. Therefore you must (should) ask permission to use the stuff found here. With the exception of the Monthly Hints Section, all materials are hereby placed under this warning. Don't get caught with something that someone else spent hours creating!