Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop: Monthly Hints Area
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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop:
Monthly Hints Area


Monthly Hint: Cool page branding like Geocities does (layering technique)

Hi folks Time for a new Hint this month. You may have noticed something new on my front page. It's a HTML that scrolls down the page with you. This was done using DHTML and Java script. What they call this is a page brand. Since I really am not that great with Java scripting yet, this script is from some one else. Here it is below:

Now all you have to do is copy and paste this script to the BOTTOM of your page. Then change the image name to match the image you want to brand your site with. **Note: I had to make my image taller by 65 pixels than it really need to be just for this thing to show up. What I did was add extra space 65pixels below the HTML and made the background transparent.**

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