Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop: My Collection of Scripts Area
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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop:
Scripts Area


Mostly this area is for past monthly hints. But since I haven't been keeping them, I will start you out with some I have laying around in my Homsite v4.1's Snippet section. These scripts are not all of my own creation. But are Public Domain scripts. So have fun with them. If you don't find what you want here, then check out one of the large script archives I have linked in my Cool Stuff Area.

Animated Status Bar Text

Place this in your head section of your page. Where it says "What do you think of this" simply change those words to whatever you want it to say. I use this script on my entrance page to ask ya'll to sign my guestbook.

Back Button Script

This button will carry you back one page in your history.

Digital Clock

This is just what it say... A digital clock for your web page

Cross Browser Music script

This script will place the correct tags in for playing midi's and wavs as background music for your page. All You need to do is change the peanuts.mid (it's in two places) to the midi or wav of your choice.

Link Highlighter For MSIE 4.0+

If you have ran your mouse over any of my links then you have seen this one in action. This is NOT a java script but instead a style sheet. Copy what is here and put it in your html inside the head elements.

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© 1997-1999 by Phillip D. Lee. All materials on this site are protected by US and International Copyright laws. Any material that is on this site either was created by me, or placed here by permission. Therefore you must (should) ask permission to use the stuff found here. With the exception of the Monthly Hints Section, all materials are hereby placed under this warning. Don't get caught with something that someone else spent hours creating!