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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop:
Scripts Area Pg #2


Here you find more of my archieved monthly hints. If you don't find what you want here, then check out one of the large script archives I have linked in my Cool Stuff Area.

Those Internet Explorer Page Transitions

Internet Explorer 5 Favorite Icon thingy

This is a short Hint that may jazz you up a bit. As of Yet I haven't featured this hint in my monthly hints section. So this is more of a Bonus than anything.

Internet Explorer 5 has the ability to change the icon of a url that your viewers see when visiting your page. First you have to make an icon for your site. You can use a program called Icon Forge to accomplish this. What you want to make is a 16x16 icon with 256 colors. This is really small so don't detail it to death. Make it fairly simple. Now save that Icon as favicon.ico. Once that is done place the icon in your root directory. IE 5 should pick up on it when some one adds your site to their favorites. But just to be sure add this to your html page head section:

<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico">

Now technically you can have as many icons as you want and just use the above code to change the icon depending on the page being viewed, if it is bookmarked. So now you know how all those sites are doing it. Really simple and totally COOL!

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