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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop

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Welcome to the Web Site Construction Worskhop. In our Learning Center you can visit tutorials for HTML, DHTML,CSS Style Sheets.and Java Scripts. In our Monthly Hint section, I show you how to do specific things each month. Plus I will be hosting a good collection of scripts. Inside the Cool Stuff area you will find many sites that offer graphics, backgroundf music, Java scripts and applets, and cgi / Perl Resources. In the software area, you will find HTML Editors (with reviews), HTML Accessories like validators, java and java script tools, and other web related goodies. Also you will find Web Graphic editor tools. In the free services area, you will find places that offer great free services like: Message boards, On-line Polls, Guest Books, E-mail hosting, Guest counters and hit trackers, Web site hosting,and a handy web site submitter. Also you can visit some of the places on the web that I like to visit in the Favorites Area, or you can just learn more about me in Information Area. Whatever your desire regarding making your web page better, you can find it here. You can even search this site or the WWW in our Search area.

Check out our Downloads Area for the Electronic Seach Engine Tatics Book. Get it free Here!

Be a good netizen*, sign my book or See other's who have already signed

Post to Tips-n-Tricks Message Board for quick answers to your web construction delima's. (I'll see you there!)

What is New Here?

  • Added New monthly Hint 10/15/1999
  • Added Downloads Section and Search Engine Tatics E-Book 10/9/1999
  • Added more items to the HTML Accessories section of the Software Area 9/18/99
  • Taking information for new section from visitors. Wanted:Information on Sites that pay via advertisements, click throughs, and such. Please submit information via Email. All entries will be posted if they are legitimate and of good taste with credits to submiter (linking to their home page)

*Netizen: Citizen of the Internet.

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© 1997-1999 by Phillip D. Lee. All materials on this site are protected by US and International Copyright laws. Any material that is on this site either was created by me, or placed here by permission. Therefore you must (should) ask permission to use the stuff found here. With the exception of the Monthly Hints Section, all materials are hereby placed under this warning. Don't get caught with something that someone else spent hours creating!

Learn HTML,Java scripting,dhtml and CSS style sheets get free java applets and scripts, web graphics (backgrounds, rulers,icons), or CGI-Perl Scripts. or get my monthly hint on html, css, and java scripting get free services for cgi forms handeling, email hosting, guestbooks, message boards,submit your site,web counters, hit trackers, and web page hosting services find software for graphic editors, html accessories, html web editors (reviews on most software).