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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop:
Java Scripts -N- Applets Area


This is where you can find all great web graphics and images for your web page Like:

Desktop Publishing's Java Link List
Enormous Collection of links to java applet and scripts archives around the world.
Sun Microsystem's Java Applets
Java applets from the experts at Sun Microsystems, the creators of Java!
The Java Boutique
A great collection of almost every imaginable java applet. This is simply my favorite Java Applet wharehouse.
Java Script Source
A must see reference with tutorials and cut-n-paste java scripts.
Cool Java scripts and Gif Animations
A meger little site that has some useful java scripts for the scientific minded individual.
Timothy's Java Script Examples
A nice small site that has some useful scripts.
They may only have a few Java applets, but they are some outstanding ones!
Java Goodies
A nicely layed out whare house with tutorials, and numerous Java scripts for the taking. Always the first place I look for Java scripts!
The ISN Web Developers Java Scripts
A great cut-n-paste java script archive. They also have a great mailing list.
Java Cats Java Resources
Very easy to navigate site for those searching for hard to find applets. (this is the US mirror)
Heavily packed site best suited for MSIE 4+ users.
Jay Card's Java Games
Java applet games for your site. Groovey!
Gratis Website Resources
More than just Java applets can be found here. A great all around learning experience.
The Free Site's Java
Very nice resource listing.
Another tutorial site with a good sized scriptorium(archive).
Web Reference Java Script Tip of The Week.
A weekly Tips archive for Java script. Again they attempt to teach you java script. A1 site.

© 1997-1999 by Phillip D. Lee. All materials on this site are protected by US and International Copyright laws. Any material that is on this site either was created by me, or placed here by permission. Therefore you must (should) ask permission to use the stuff found here. With the exception of the Monthly Hints Section, all materials are hereby placed under this warning. Don't get caught with something that someone else spent hours creating!