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Phill's Web Site Construction Workshop:
HTML Accessories Area


Choosing The HTML Accessories that you need to improve your web site

Some components listed here may not be needed by everyone, but the majority of web authors keep these programs around to help them in their task

Check out the web Garage
Web Site Garage
Tune Up Your Web Site Free:
This is the Handiest Web Utility out. Their Plus Program is worth the investment!


Link Verification programs

Link verification programs are very valuable to any web author that has links to other sites. What these programs do is automatically check all of your links for you saving you time. All you have to do is tell them which page has your links and then tell the program to check your links. In a matter of a few seconds to several minutes depending on how large your link database is. These programs will tell you which links no longer work, ones that are being redirected due to site modifications or relocations, and whether the site was even connectable.
Title Description
CyberSpyder Link Test Versions for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT...CyberSpyder Link Test is a Webmaster's friend as it will check all the links on a site and report on any that no longer work as well as producing analysis reports to simplify site management.
Infolink Versions for Windows NT and Windows 95...This is a utility to easily make sure the links on your pages are still valid. You just give it the location of an HTML file, and it searches out all the links over the net and lets you know which are up and which are down. If everyone used this, dead links would be a thing of the past.
LinkCop Versions for Windows 95 and Windows NT...A very useful link validation utility, that thoroughly checks your web site's internal links, external links, and even your CGI programs. You can also configure the program to run at scheduled times, and when it performs it's routine link check up, the program automatically E-Mails a complete diagnostic to a specified recipient.

The HTML Analyzer

Well There is only one good one. What this software Package does is check to make sure you HTML code doesn't have any errors in it. This thing is picky too. But if you want seamless HTML, Get this program!
  • CSE 3310 HTML Validator: A very nice and easy to use HTML validator. You can drag and drop your HTML documents on this and it returns you a very thorough list of the errors in the HTML in plain english, even tells you exactly which tags conspire to make the error! (as in when you have overlapping tags, it will tell you exactly which ones, and so forth)

The MUST HAVE Reference

HTML Reference Library

Additional Software Required: HTMLHelp 1.1 AND MSIE 4.0
Versions for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT...
NOTE: This program requires that you have Internet Explorer 4.0 or up, AND HTMLHelp 1.1 installed.
Description: Instant access to a wealth of information and reference about HTML and Web Development. Extensive compendium that includes HTML 1, 2, 3, and most of the proprietary browser tags. Also includes a section on Dynamic HTML and advanced HTML 4.0 information. NOT meant to replace the W3C standards publication, but THE definitive source for HTML knowledge.

Style Sheet Makers

Title Description
CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker++ Versions for Windows 95 and Windows NT...CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker++ lets you edit your own cascading style sheets. Includes features designed for putting together your own personal Home Page with just a few clicks of the mouse. Everything you need and more for that awesome Home Page you want. It's worth the download and fun on top of that.
Sheet Stylist Versions for Windows 95 and Windows NT...Create and edit style sheets with this Windows95 oriented style sheet maker. Very user friendly and very comfigureable. Great for editing existing style sheets or creating them from scratch.
Stylemaker Versions for Windows 95 and Windows NT...A visual design tool for creating Style Sheets (CSS1) which allow you to control the presentation of your HTML documents, without the limitations of HTML.
StylePro Versions for Windows 95 and Windows NT...Full featured style sheet editor, complete with preview pane, HTML import/export options, easy to use and understand.

Wizard Applications

Name: Description:
Dutch's HTML Frames Dutch's HTML Frames is a specialized HTML editing program that walks you through the process of creating custom HTML frames. (Using frames in HTML enables you to display multiple HTML documents on a single Web page). The open, uncluttered interface consists of three tabbed palettes -- HTML Tags, Links, and Frames Wizard -- and a large editing window. The Frames Wizard allows you to visually design your framesets. Whether you want to use only rows, only columns, or a combination, you simply drag the borders to the configuration you desire. Quick access buttons at the top of the interface let you insert Custom HTML, In-line Frames, and more. Love 'em or hate 'em, frames are here to stay -- but you can let the quick and competent Dutch's HTML Frames do the dirty work for you. Help is included.
AscToHtml A text to HTML converter that is small and easy to use. AscToHTM has a simple interface and produces a quick html document from any text or ASCII document. Automatically produces hyperlinks from text HTTP addresses and more.
DB-HTML Converter Pro An HTML database utility that creates Web pages from popular formats such as MS SQL, FoxPro, MS ACCESS, DB2, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, and others. A must have for those of you who want to start a database driven web site.
HTML Power Tools HTML PowerTools are like the "Swiss army knife of HTML tools" for use alongside your text or HTML editor. Tools include HTML syntax validation, link checking, obsolete file detection, HTML-aware spell-checking, site-wide Meta tag management, site-wide search & replace, automatic IMG tag optimization, site-wide page date stamping, and more.
HTML View Accesses all of your HTML graphics and instantly creates web [style] documents accessed from a single control menu. displays backgrounds tiled with sample text in over 95 colors. Allows serious web designers up-to-date cataloging and access to all their backgrounds, button, images, bars and animated GIFs. Many options and controls available. Compatible with both Netscape and Internet Explorer. Program is unrestricted during trial period.
SR- HTML 98 A search and replace program that can do its job across multiple files with or without prompting the user. In other words it is a search and replace facility that will automatically search for and replace text in an entire directory of HTML pages. Easy to use but very helpful. Great tool for those running a software mirror that has to be customized to the web space that is provided.
Color Manipulation Device Helps you pick the correct background and text colors for your HTML documents with a live updated preview window. Lets you save schemes or colors you like, as well as loading background images in the preview window.
Reptile Reptile lets you create funky backgrounds. Limited only by your creativity, Reptile allows you to easily produce any combination of wavy, bubbly, organic, big, small, wide, narrow, rough or smooth textures. And besides generating a vast range of shapes and surfaces the program also features a great way to color the textures to suit the look and feel you require. Use your wild creations for your Web page backgrounds, on your Windows desktop, or invent a completely new use for them, it's entirely up to you.
Table2HTML With Table2HTML you can easily convert a tab or comma delimited table (table in a Word document for example) to a HTML table. You can directly copy/paste the table or specify a file that should be converted. You may also specify font settings, alignment, and more of the generated HTML table.
Tape Measure, Jr. 2.0 This nutty little app allows you to find the height and width of an image without opening it up in a big RAM chewing viewer. We all know how important that information can be when designing web pages. No more waiting for Photo shop to open just to find out the pixel width of some meaningless home page icon. And it's free! If you already have Microsoft Visual Basic's VB40032.DLL. VB40032.DLL, the download is only 11k. It's tiny, but worth it's weight in gold.
Split Image


  • Divide an image into any number of row/columns
  • Cells can be defined as Sub Documents
  • Creates all image files and optionally the HTML source for the tables
  • Supports jpg, gif, bmp, wmf, ico for input and jpg, gif, and bmp for output
  • Processor dialog to do divisions automatically by specifying number of rows or columns or size of rows or columns
  • Edit row and column sizes numerically
  • New in 1.2: Crop/Expand image to fit a particular size
So, you want to make a Web Page! Easy to use web page authoring tutorials covering basic and advanced web page design. The tutorials are in HTML format so you can go through them with your web browser. If you've never created a web page before, the basic tutorial will guide you gently though basics of HTML. And, if you know the basics, the advanced tutorials will show you how to add additional features to your page. Previously these tutorials were released separately as "So, you want to make a Web Page!", "Table Tutor", "Form Tutor" and "Frames Tutor".

© 1997-1999 by Phillip D. Lee. All materials on this site are protected by US and International Copyright laws. Any material that is on this site either was created by me, or placed here by permission. Therefore you must (should) ask permission to use the stuff found here. With the exception of the Monthly Hints Section, all materials are hereby placed under this warning. Don't get caught with something that someone else spent hours creating!